Celebrity Uncovered Cruises
Celebrity Uncovered is a new reality series that premiered on July 10 and airs Monday nights on ABC. Hosted by Kevin and Franklin Jonas, the show follows 11 celebrity relatives who live together under one roof while hiding their identities and competing for a cash prize. This season, the cast includes a relative of Tom Hanks, Dolly Parton, and Eddie Murphy, among others.
Celebrity Uncovered are tasked with identifying their housemates’ famous family members based on physical attributes, interactions, and decoding clues. As the competition continues, more celebrities’ relatives are revealed each week.
The latest episode of Celebrity Uncovered featured the reveal that X, who is a contestant on this season of the show, is Laverne Cox’s twin brother. The episode also included the reveal that Louise is a cousin of actress Whoopi Goldberg.
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As of this writing, nine celebrities have been eliminated from the series and the winner has not yet been named. The remaining finalists will compete for the grand prize in an elimination-style finale this Sunday night, airing at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.
Onboard, kids can take part in the Creation Station’s creative learning activities and Toddler Time sessions. Cadets can learn all about sailing in the ship’s nautical-themed program, while the teens can enjoy a dedicated space in Teen Club that is overseen by trained teen counselors. Adults can indulge in the adults-only Elyria or take in a Cirque-du-Soleil-meets-Shakespeare performance in the Celebrity Edge theater.