How to Prevent and Treat Dental Problems

Although poor dental health may affect overall well-being over time and impair work performance and childhood development, Dental diseases are not communicable like some other illnesses. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent or treat dental problems.

For example, a dentist can repair a chipped tooth by using resin (a sort of plastic) tinted to match the color of your teeth. The dentist uses a light to “dry” each layer of the resin, which allows it to bond with the tooth. This method is less invasive than some other methods.

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A dentist can also remove the center of a decayed tooth and replace it with a filling. This helps preserve the strength of your tooth and prevent bacteria from attacking its inner core. It is important to catch and treat tooth decay early, as the longer you wait to get treatment, the more damage can occur.

You can also protect your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly. A mouthwash that contains fluoride can reduce cavities and other dental problems. Drinking water with added fluoride, which most municipal water supplies contain, will help reduce tooth decay as well. Avoid snacking or sipping sugary drinks throughout the day, and chew food slowly to reduce wear on your teeth. Fresh fruits and vegetables increase saliva flow, which helps wash away food particles.