Number Lookup API
Number lookup API is a tool that allows businesses to check the status and validity of phone numbers. It helps businesses save money on expensive marketing campaigns by ensuring that the numbers they are trying to reach are active and can receive messages. It also provides information about the type of number (mobile, landline, toll-free) and the carrier associated with that number. It also ensures that the numbers are properly formatted for a given country or region.
Number Lookup API: Enhancing Your Data Accuracy
When looking for a number lookup API, it is important to find one that offers real-time data. This will ensure that you are using the most accurate and up-to-date information when conducting your marketing campaigns. It will also help you avoid wasting time and money on incorrect or outdated information. TheTexting is a leading provider of number lookup API, offering real-time data for a low price.
The most common use case for number lookup is to verify whether a phone number is valid. This is particularly useful for businesses that are sending SMS campaigns to large lists of customers. Number lookup can identify inactive or undeliverable numbers, as well as find out if the number has been ported from one network to another.
Plivo’s Number Lookup API offers live number verification and information about the subscriber’s carrier, line type, and location. It can also detect whether a number is roaming, which is helpful for international businesses. It can even match a phone number to an IP address for added security. Pricing specifically for the Number Lookup API is not available online, but it is offered as a pay-as-you-go or monthly subscription service.